Administration is always right.
1. Basic provisions:
Keeping the servers up and running is not a 1-st priority for administration
On the assumption of rule 1.1., administration does not guarantee the operability of game servers, information which is stored there and continuing working on those
Administration doesn't guarantee to provide the client a 100% solution to any of their in-game problems.
2. Administration politics:
2.1. Ignorance of these Regulations does not preserve you from getting a penalty for violating them
2.2. Every change in Regulations can be applied retroactively if it is not mentioned
2.3. The server's system is not case-law, this means that the existence of a precedent does not guarantee its repetition
2.4. The administration does not guarantee reliable performance in service delivery and is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to users due to failures in communication lines, the erroneous use of services, software defects, and other actions that may lead to undesirable situations
2.5. The administration does not deal with issues which are related to the purchase / sale of accounts
2.6 The administration has the right to dispose of all the game objects on all accounts at its discretion
2.7. Buying / selling / exchanging accounts, even for in-game currency is a banable offense
2.8. All accounts belonging to one player can be penalized for violating the rules on one of them
2.9. Trying to violate any of these Regulation's rules is equal to successful violation of these.
3. Administration has the right:
3.1. To refuse providing services without further explanation
3.2. To evaluate the customers' actions and giving penalties for cases not covered by these rules, if it deems necessary to administration
3.3. To consider and take decisions on the collective requests coming from customers
3.4. To make changes to these regulations without customers' agreement.
3.5. To make changes to the server and services in its sole discretion.
4. Regarding in-game accounts:
4.1. Be sure to specify a valid e-mail upon registration. Accounts with a non-existent address will be removed without further explanation
4.2. Prohibited obscene, defiant, offensive or disturbing in-game names. Administration has a right to delete such accounts without any warning
4.3. The customer is completely responsible for everything that was done under their account
4.4. Account sharing is prohibited, as well as its transferring.
5. Regarding gameplay:
5.1. It is forbidden to perform any actions that could disrupt the gameplay process or cause server instability. It is also prohibited withholding information about such actions
5.2. It is forbidden to impersonate the server staff members
5.3. It is forbidden to demand from the other players the information they consider confidential
5.4. It is forbidden to show disrespectful treatment to the administration. Challenging the administration's actions is allowed only in the forum
5.5. Blooming rumors and other kinds misinformation about the administration, as well as about other players is prohibited
5.6. Begging from administration and from other players is equally prohibited, the penalty rests at the discretion of the administration
5.7. Flooding, spamming, any kind of advertising and anti-advertising is prohibited
5.8. Any form of fraud is prohibited
5.9. It is forbidden to use software or hardware, which emulates the presence of a player in the game and / or disrupt the normal functioning of the server software
5.10. It is forbidden to post threads about the leaving from the server, and / or encourage other players to do so
5.11. Game bugs and shortcomings should be addressed to the forums Help Desk, accordingly to the Forum Rules
5.12. It is forbidden to use any programs or tools that give you any kind of an advantage in the game. (Hacks, mouse macros and etc.)
5.13. Glitching is forbidden as well
5.14. Clan wins farming is prohibited
5.15. Any form of threatening is prohibited
5.16. Players must not advertise other servers with or without intention.
6. Regarding forums:
6.1. Swearing, profanity, insults, threats, extortion, blackmail, sexual harassment, incitement of inter-ethnic, inter-class or racial hatred etc. is prohibited
6.2. Flooding, spamming, any kind of advertising and anti-advertising is prohibited
6.3. Blooming rumors and other kinds misinformation about the administration, as well as about other players is prohibited
6.4. Discussion regarding forum's moderation is permissible only with the administration and only via private messaging. Public discussions will be deleted without further explanation
6.5. The publication of account's date (this includes username, email, password etc.) is prohibited. This prohibition does not apply only in the Private section of the support.
7. Communication with the administration:
7.1. It is highly recommended to ask questions regarding game (mechanics, (dis)advantages, bugs, etc.) in the forum
7.2. When communicating with the administration customer must talk about their problem or answer questions posed by the administrator briefly, clearly and without usage of slang
7.3. It is forbidden to ask the administrator to do anything that is not part of his duties
7.4. It is prohibited withholding information, false, misleading while communicating with administrator
7.5. It is forbidden to call the administrator for no reason, obstruct and distract from their duties.
8. Regarding in-game loss:
8.1. If it has happened due to a security breach or an internal server error is the administration will return all possible items
8.2. Administration is not responsible, however, if customers' have violated the rule 4.4 of these Regulations.
9. Possible penalties for violating in-game rules:
9.1 Account deleting - permanent removal of the account and all data related to it (items, exp, etc.). This may be applied to all user's accounts (rule 2.8.)
9.2. Account banning - temporary or permanent, depending on the violation. This may be applied to all user's accounts (rule 2.8.)
9.3. Item confiscation - complete or partial removal of character's items. This may be applied to all user's accounts (rule 2.8.)
9.4. Access block for a particular computer. This may be applied to all user's accounts (rule 2.8.)
9.5. Chat block - temporary only
9.6. Other actions not mentioned in Regulations.
10. Possible penalties for violating forum rules:
10.1. Account deleting - permanent removal of the forum account
10.2. Message deleting - permanent removal of messages written by a violator;
10.3. Read-only - temporary or permanent, depending on the violation.
10.4. IP-banning - temporary or permanent, depending on the violation.
10.6. Other actions not mentioned in Regulations.